Sunday, May 1, 2016

Zero waste snacks

If you are my friend on FB you know of my failed attempts at making yogurt. I bought myself an used yogurt maker, a starter and tons of milk. I thought it was gonna be easy peasy but I keep failing. Its so frustrating.

My desire to reduce my waste was bringing me to create even more so I'm taking a little break from it and while I can't for the life of me make yogurt or bread, I do can share some (maybe too obvious) snack ideas that can be found completely package free or made at home with very simple ingredients...

The more I learn about zero waste, the more I realize it bring us to eat more pure, whole foods. So simple is key.

Here is a small list, please comment below with more ideas. I would love to learn more!

•Banana+date mylk
•Chia coconut milk pudding
•Dried fruit (papaya, apple, ginger, cantaloupe~ you could either dehydrate it yourself or get them in bulk.)
•Dates+nut butter 'sammiches' (you can get in bulk, too or recycle the jar for future use)
•Bliss balls (oats, dates, nuts)
•Homemade hummus + veggies
•Veggie chips (i get mine from the bulk section) + guacamole
•Nice cream (sooo many possibilities)
•Apple sandwiches (apple slices, nut butter+ coconut flakes)
•Kale chips (If you are up for it: homemade POTATO CHIPS!)
•Roasted chickpeas
•Homemade granola

Next time you go to the store, don't forget your recycled jars!

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