Saturday, March 15, 2014

7 meses

Che is 7 months and is my Papa's birth~day today! 

Reflecting in how beauty~full Life is. 

What a gift is to be alive and to recognize how blessed I've been:

I got and still get to learn from one of the most smart people I know: my dad. Even though we share different political ideas, he showed me how to debate with respect and with facts; to nurture myself first so that I could have good arguments in the future. He never said those things with words, but with his example. I always thought: "man, I wanna be smart like him and not look stupid."
My dad doesn't like small talk. And he doesn't talk much... I remember reading the newspaper just so that I could have something important to talk with him. Yeah, it might sound depressing to some people but to me, it wasn't. It was that or to have dinner in silence.  Sometimes when I call him he asks me if I know what's going on in the island and if I say no, he makes a long pause and says: "hmm, read..." What a respectable and passionate man my dad is. Seriously.

And then this baby.... I get to learn from him too. Every day. To get excited about the simplest things. To recognize that it most be a huge deal to taste lettuce for the first time. To recognize that he is getting to form his own opinion, his own personality and that its forbidden for me to intervene on that matter... 

What an amazing thing is to see this baby grow in front of my eyes.

Love, love, all of you... from my overflowing heart in this Saturday. 

(Update: Che sat on his own on Thursday. He has tried banana, avocado, hummus and sweet potato. He has 2 teefs. He is very tickleish. And he found his penis.)

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