Thursday, December 31, 2015

Resolutions, what?

I never make New Year's resolutions because...well, I never keep up with them, so I try to be honest with myself. I feel like since becoming a mom I haven't paid attention to me and since Che developed TSW I ABSOLUTELY forgot about me: as a woman, wife, friend... as an empowered human being.

Going back to work was a wake up call: I need to care for myself in order to be healthy (especially mentally) and capable to take care of a little one. I am not JUST a mom, I am so much more and I need to start seeing myself as such.

So I owe it to myself and to my family to keep this resolutions as a sacred promise.

Here it goes. My resolutions:

1- Working out: I already started going to the gym/eating cleaner/taking supplements and it feels amazing!
2- Write: Writing is such a huge part of who I used to be and it made me so happy. I need to write more, I need to find my bliss.
3- Read: I have set a goal for this year to read a book (not parenting related) every month. I already started reading and I don't know why I haven't made space for something I love so much.
4- Keep up with this blog. *winky face*

I hope this year brings you everything your heart desires. Go write some resolutions. Make it sweet.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, loved friend! Wishing you the best this year! You are amazing & deserve it!
